Monday, September 10, 2012

All-in-all, a pretty good evening

The evening started out great ... feeling "caught up" with a clean house and after a full weekend of studying. We had a great time playing with Eva & Carter after work. Eva and Jake made a homemade pizza together. And we had both kiddos ready for bed - at the same time! We were carrying them to their rooms for bedtime, and were looking forward to pizza dinner together - still hot and just the two of us!

Then I slipped on the stairs. Probably wouldn't have been a big deal except I was carrying Carter and was afraid that he would go flying. So in protecting Carter, I fell on and dislocated my right thumb. Ouch! I waited for Carter to cry. Pause. Long pause. Oh no ... he was really going to wail! But no. He didn't make a peep. He wasn't hurt at all!

Jake scooped up Carter, G'pa Mike drove over for the kids (as quickly as the ambulance, I might add), and Jake and I went to have my thumb re-located. The most impressive (and silent) doctor put it back into place, with a considerable amount of strength & grunting.  

Now I'm in a cast and may need tendon surgery. But still, I curled up on Jake's shoulder that night thinking that the evening turned out pretty fine after-all. Carter wasn't hurt. We're so grateful for that! My thumb was on the mend. And we were going to be spoiled with a little extra time at home all together this week.