Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Big Girl Toddler Bed

Eva's Toddler Bed

Eva is growing stronger and more tenacious everyday. After finding her in nothing but her diaper, swinging her leg over the side of her crib twice recently, we decided that it was time to convert her crib to a big-girl-toddler-bed. We braced ourselves! We helped Eva practice getting in and out and in and out of her new bed. We rocked her to sleep, laid her down, left the room, held our breath, and ... nothing! The little angel went right to sleep in her new bed. Let's see what morning (and nap time) bring tomorrow!

Eva's ankle was hanging over the edge of the crib just moments earlier ... time to convert from crib to toddler bed!

In equally big, big-girl news, Eva advanced to p**p on her orange potty over the weekend. She's ready to take the plunge ... now Jake and I just need to get ready! Maybe it will be a good adventure for February. ;)